Increasing Cyber Security at SEA through digital training

Challenge: GPS Spoofing


In this lab, you will analyze a network traffic file (.pcap) to uncover a GPS spoofing attack. Your task is to extract the real coordinates, identify how the attacker manipulated the GPS protocol, and determine the IP address of the adversary.Through hands-on challenges, you will develop the skills to detect GPS-based cyber threats, and to investigate protocol tampering.


  • Analyze GPS Network Traffic – Inspect a .pcap file to identify anomalies in GPS transmissions.
  • Extract Key Information – Retrieve the original and manipulated coordinates to understand the impact of the attack.
  • Identify the Attacker – Determine the IP address of the entity responsible for the GPS spoofing.
  • Analyze the protocol used for GPS communication
  • Conclude whether this was A MITM attack based on the evidence


  1. Read carefully the provided materials on resources section.
  2. Read this guide to connect to the remote lab
  3. Complete the interactive task to practice identifying a MITM attack.


By completing this challenge, you will gain practical experience in analyzing network traffic for GPS manipulation, and identifying if a Man in the Middle attack occurs.

Press the button to book the challenge with the credentials as in Moodle.
